The Cucumber is grown mainly in protected areas (plastics and greenhouses). Its production does not stops during the whole year. Most of production is exported, a part remains for the domestic market, and a part (gherkins) are used by the conservation industry. For the successful cultivation of Cucumber specific conditions are necessary to provide – heat and high relative humidity. In such...
AboutCucumberThe cabbage contains natural ingredients that act as anti-ulcer drugs. The fact that the cabbage can help in the treatment of ulcer, is still set at 50 s of the past century. It has been proven that about 1.1 liter of fresh cabbage juice daily helps to alleviate pain and heal the ulcer. The cabbage beneficial effect on the ulcer of the...
AboutCabageТхе Pepper in the Republic of Macedonia, as the tomatoes, are grown throughout all the year in protected areas and in open field conditions. Most production is sold domestically for use in fresh condition and processing in the domestic industry. Part of the production is exported in fresh condition and as food products. ......